AMP-Statement: Fabricated charges against CERNET members in the Philippines 2024

In a statement, the Aktionsbündnis Menschenrechte Philippinen (AMP/Action Network Human Rights Philippines) strongly condemns the fabricated charges, filed on May 8, 2024, against 27 individuals affiliated with the organization Community Empowerment Resource Network (CERNET) for allegedly violating Section 8(ii), in relation to Section 9, of the “Terrorism Financing Prevention and Suppression Act” (Republic Act No. 10168) from 2012. The AMP finds these charges to be unsubstantiated, seemingly designed to tarnish CERNET’s reputation and to hinder its operations.

The AMP calls on the Philippine government to retract all fabricated charges against CERNET and to conduct thorough investigations to bring those responsible for so-called “red-tagging” and fabricating the charges to justice.


Download (PDF): AMP-Statement: Fabricated charges against CERNET members in the Philippines