Member Organisations

Amnesty International
Amnesty International’s vision is of a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments. Amnesty International forms a global community of human rights defenders with the principles of international solidarity, effective action for the individual victim, global coverage, the universality and indivisibility of human rights, impartiality and independence, and democracy and mutual respect.
In addition to its work on specific abuses of human rights, Amnesty International urges all governments to observe the rule of law, and to ratify and implement human rights standards; it carries out a wide range of human rights educational activities; and it encourages intergovernmental organizations, individuals, and all organs of society to support and respect human rights.
The country-specific work within the German section of Amnesty International is guided by volunteers that work together in committees. The committee responsible for the Philippines represents Amnesty International Germany within the Action Network Human Rights – Philippines. Please find the website here (only in German).

MISEREOR is the German Catholic Bishops’ Organisation for Development Cooperation in the countries of the South. MISEREOR supports the weakest members of society – it is of no importance whether those in need of help are men or women, what religious beliefs they hold or where they come from. Projects supported by MISEREOR therefore strengthen the self-initiative of the poor, and encourage them to articulate their interests and needs – not as supplicants, but as people who know their rights and obligations.
Therefore MISEREOR advises and promotes peasants, campaigns for human rights, trains the youth in sustainable careers and supports small businesses with microloans. Since 1958, more than 100,000 MISEREOR development projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania received over 6.0 billion euros.

Missio München is one of the two German branches of the Pontifical Mission Societies and as such responsible for the Bavarian dioceses and the diocese of Speyer.
Missio München aims to promote missionary awareness, to build bridges of solidarity and friendship within the World Church and to support the pastoral work of the local churches in Africa, Asia and Oceania, morally and financially. Missio München sees itself within the bounds of the World Church as partner of the Young Churches which are facing manifold challenges: In many regions they live as minorities, suffering from prejudice or repression in society. To a great extent they are a Church of the poor and cannot yet carry the financial burden of pastoral care by themselves.
The financial assistance provided by Missio München is designed to promote self-help, according to the needs and priorities of the local Churches of Africa, Asia and Oceania. Missio München is guided by the new mission concept of the Church as well as the principles of the Catholic Social Teaching, in particular the element of subsidiarity.

United Evangelical Mission (UEM)
The United Evangelical Mission is an international communion of 34 churches from various traditions in Africa, Asia, and Germany. The United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) is also part of this communion. UEM supports its members by pursuing a holistic sense of mission. This includes striving for justice, peace, and the integrity of Creation, development and diaconal work, evangelization and promotion of North-South partnerships between churches and communities in the ecumenical context.
The goal is for our members to cooperate and support each other through personnel exchanges, scholarships, development cooperation, intercultural meetings, project support and advocacy (whether between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres or the Southern and Southern Hemispheres).

Bread for the World
Bread for the World – Church Development Service is the globally active relief and development agency of the Protestant Churches in Germany. In almost 100 countries all across the globe we empower the poor and marginalised to improve their living conditions by themselves. Key issues of our work are food security, the promotion of health and education, respect for human rights as well as the integrity of creation.

International Peace Observers Network (IPON)
The goal is for our members to cooperate and support each other through personnel exchanges, scholarships, development cooperation, intercultural meetings, project support and advocacy (whether between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres or the Southern and Southern Hemispheres).

The philippinenbuero (Philippine Office) is an independent, socio-economic and political information center affiliated with the Asienhaus (Asia House) based in Germany. Our mission is to inform and raise awareness of the German public on current socio-political and development issues concerning the Philippines.
Our association stays in close partnership with different non-governmental organizations, networks and aid agencies in the Philippines and elsewhere working on topics related to globalization. For the latter, we highlight the Philippine experience on issues such as human rights, climate change, migration, land rights and exploitation of its natural resources. On the basis of this information we e.g. critically analyze the German and European strategy on resources and the investments connected to it.
With the help of our publications, our e-newsletter and our political education, we offer the possibility to discuss development issues. In addition to our informational and political educational work, we function as a documentation center and serve as contact point between Civil Society groups in Germany and those in the Philippines. Philippinenbuero was founded in 1987 and currently has 180 members. In 1995 the center was a co-founder of the Asienhaus.