The restrictions due to COVID-19 result in lesser documentation of the human rights situation in the Philippines as local NGOs can hardly continue their work. Carsten Stormer, a Manila based journalist, has now provided one of the view reportings on civil and political human rights violations. The documentation in German called „Dutertes Machenschaften im Schatten des Virus“ shows the broad range of human rights violations under Duterte since the beginning of the pandemic. The pandemic in the Philippines has led to an escalating political and economical situation. The Philippines had one of the longest and strictest lockdowns worldwide. The health management of the crisis was placed in the hands of the security forces. By now, at least 27 million Filipin@s have lost their jobs, many also their houses and apartments. Hospitals are overcrowded, sick people are being sent away. Instead of growing capacities, the government grows oppression and enforces laws like the Anti-Terror Bill of 2020 which civil society organisations fear will be used to silence political dissent. Many see the country drifting away from democracy and into dictatorship.
ARTE Reportage: Philippinen: Dutertes Methoden im Schatten des Virus