Report on human rights situation issued

In March 2021, the organisation Investigate PH has issued a report on the situation of human rights in the Philippines. Investigate PH, a international coalition of civil, political and legal organizations, was founded in January 2021 after the latest resolution of UN Commission on Human Rights (UNHCR) was considered weak by human rights defenders due to the lack of an independent and investigative mechanism.

The report by Investigate PH clearly shows that the human rights situation has further deteriorated since the investigations by the UN and the publication of the UN report on human rights violations in the Philippines in June 2020. The human rights violations as stated in the report are a fusion of police and military violence and opression and militarization of the government.

Investigate PH hopes that their findings will convince the ICC to conduct investigations on the situation in the Philippines. The report is, according to its own words, the first fully independent audit on human rights violations that have been perpetrated by Duterte’s war on drugs. You can find the full report here.

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