Human Rights Defender Amanda Echanis imprisoned with her baby

Amanda Echanis, daughter of Randall Echanis, who was murdered this year in August was arrested on 2nd December together with her one month old baby– for alleged posession of firearms and explosives. The organisation Anakpawis claims that these were false allegations. Echanis’ lawyer also states that the arrest was illegal, because the police could only provide a search warrant five hours after raiding her house. According to her neighbour Isabela Adviento the evidence was only produced at this time as well.

Many organisations are criticising the arrest as inhumane and illegal. Even inside the senate there are claims for Echanis’ release on humanitarian grounds. Senator Nancy Binay insisted on her release in order to “prevent another baby River”. She hereby referred to the deceased baby of recently imprisoned activist Reina Mae Nasino.

Echanis’ arrest, a few months after the killing of her father is a clear threat against female acticists, according to the National Union of Phillipine Students NUSP. “Whether activist, artist, journalist, representative, senator, or chief justice, no woman, young or old, is spared from the culture of misogyny that has become the hallmark of the Rodrigo Duterte administration,” the group said in a statement.

The organisation of peasant women, Amihan, said they would report the case to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations as well as the Human Rights Commission. They also want to join forces with the women’s party Gabriela in order to filing a house resolution to investigate the case.



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