On May 2, 2023, the documentary 11,103, produced by Kara Magsanoc-Alikpala and directed by Jeannette Ifurung and Mike Alcazaren, was screened by the Aktionsbündnis Menschenrechte-Philippinen and Dakila-Active Vista at the Asienhaus in Cologne. The film chronicles the...
Attacks, vilifications, criminalization, and violence against human rights defenders (HRDs) in the Philippines are continuing under the new administration of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. Accessing protection measures for HRDs are gaining more importance. Against...
During the 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva, the Philippine government rejected recommendations to end the practice of the so-called “red-tagging” (i.e. being accused of supporting the armed communist insurgency). In its...
The Aktionsbündnis Menschenrechte – Philippinen (AMP, German Action Network Human Rights – Philippines) strongly condemns the recent abduction of development worker Dyan Gumanao and labor rights activist Armand Dayoha in Cebu City, Philippines. In a statement,...
“Today, facts win. Truth wins. Justice wins,” said Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Rappler-CEO, Maria Ressa, after a court acquitted her and her online news portal of four tax evasion charges on January 18, 2023. The acquittal reduces the open court cases...
In this year’s commemoration of the International Human Rights Day on December 10, the Aktionsbündnis Menschenrechte-Philippinen (AMP) publishes its fourth human rights report. The report describes the pattern of human rights violations during former President...